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As Luck Would Have It

I seem to have more time to think recently and my mind has drifted back to the past – firstly when growing up and later with my own children. The holidays – playing, swimming, fishing, and generally being lazy.

Good times will return and they’re not far away. The unwinding is underway. A bit harder to realise if you’re doing it tough and lost your job or your business is hurting but maybe this is an opportunity for change, diversification, re-skilling.

It’s also got me thinking about how lucky we are here in Australia. We’re getting through this better than the rest. Australia is No1 and NZ is No 2 regarding cases, reinfection, mortalities etc. It truly is THE LUCKY COUNTRY.

We’ve got shelter, no shortage of food, and unlimited entertainment. We have a government (with bipartisan support from the opposition and the unions) and a banking system pulling out the big guns to support people and the economy.

I’m feeling quite lucky, a bit stir-crazy, but lucky. But then, I’ve always been lucky. I expect to be lucky. What about you? What is your attitude about luck? Tell me.

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This is what carpenter turned actor Harrison Ford had to say about luck, “Hard work and a proper frame of mind prepare you for the lucky breaks that come along – or don’t”.

I remember being interviewed years ago by a journalist. He asked me about my first development, how I got into it, and how it went.

That’s a long story for another day, but basically it was a four lot subdivision listed for sale with a real estate agency I worked for where the landowner showed me how to buy and develop it as a vendor finance deal using none of my own money.

That was a long time ago but in today’s dollars the profit would be around $450,000. More importantly it was the deal that launched me as a developer.

The journo’s comment upon hearing the long version was “Wow, that was such a lucky break”. If you didn’t know the backstory, it would appear that way. So now the short version of the back story.

I was involved in a car accident (head on to a bridge while driving and having a sleep at the same time). I was on crutches for almost a year and out of action for 18 months. That consumed what little money I had.

While recuperating I looked around at what to do when I recovered. A friend of my dad was a builder/developer, drove a nice car, and seemed to be rich. I was so poor, everyone else seemed to be rich, and I drove a crap car.

Fully recovered, ten feet tall and bulletproof, I headed to the Gold Coast to make my fortune. Unable to become an instant developer, I got a job in a real estate agency selling mainly subdivisions and houses for developers. That’s where I met Tony who was selling a four lot subdivision site.

So was I lucky like the journo said, or had I used my recuperation wisely, reading good books, investigating new opportunities and getting lean, mean and hungry? Was I lucky or did I intentionally take on a commission only job to learn more about property and to mix with the right sort of people?
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As Luck Would Have It

So was I lucky like the journo said, or had I used my recuperation wisely, reading good books, investigating new opportunities and getting lean, mean and hungry?

Kind Words From Our Students
Gary Sherdon
Gary Sherdon

"I would have no hesitation in recommending this course and have done so on many occasions."

I would like to thank Bob and Hilary for the opportunity to participate in The Property Accelerator. I enjoyed the learning experience both online and in person. This has allowed me to implement knowledge and given me confidence to pursue Property development. In this time I have committed to two duplexes and am currently working on a splitter. The splitter involves a boundary realignment plus renovation and then construction of a second dwelling.  This is being done in a JV arrangement (another of Bob’s strategies). I would have no hesitation in recommending this course and have done so on many occasions.

Matthew Leeworthy
Matthew Leeworthy

"Through Bob’s teaching I have gained so much knowledge and I feel so much more confident in myself."

Bob’s course gave me the confidence in myself to ask investors for money. In the past I have only done projects myself with my own money and banks but now I have built my own investment base. Through Bob’s teaching I have gained so much knowledge and I feel so much more confident in myself.

John Comninos
John Comninos

"I feel more confident going forward with developing now."

Your course has really gelled the bits and pieces… It’s managed to fill in the gaps in my knowledge and the support manual has been a great help …I feel more confident going forward with developing now.


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