Ep 147: How To Use Joint Ventures In Property Development

Property development is a lucrative investment strategy. One way to accelerate your property development success is through Joint Ventures. Joint Ventures involve partnering with other investors or developers to pool resources, access additional capital, share risks, and leverage each other’s expertise and networks. This can help take on larger projects, move faster, and achieve greater success in a shorter amount of time.

In this week’s episode, Hilary and Bob discuss how to use joint ventures in property development. They share insights on why joint ventures can be a game-changer in the property industry and provide tips on how to leverage them effectively. So if you’re ready to take your property development to the next level, you won’t want to miss this week’s episode! Learn from the industry’s best and discover the secrets to being a successful property developer.


Resources: To register for the Joint Ventures event, please click here: https://propertymastermind.activehosted.com/f/134


Episode Highlights:

Bob’s tip of the week [02:28]

Using joint ventures for development [06:26]

Joint venture partnership models [12:11]

Creative property development strategies [20:39]

Equity partnership dynamics [33:14]

Impact of communications in partnerships [35:57]

Having investors lined up [41:45]

Setting up property structures [45:16]

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