Become a successful property developer in 2025!

How to Get Started in
Property Development

With the right knowledge, the right system, and the right people...
Property Development Can Be As Easy As 1-2-3!
Learn the Principles of Property Development
Learn the Property Mastermind Blueprint​
Follow the Property Mastermind Blueprint

Keep it simple!

Property development is serious business. Make no mistake. Things can get complicated and stressful if you don’t have a proven map.

Your property development journey will progress in 9 steps.

9-step matrix
This is the exact blueprint we teach our students and use in our own projects.

Learn from the best in the business

Our self-paced online courses are the perfect way to get started in property development with confidence, clarity, and know-how.

Learn our blueprint in the way that suits you best.

Property development is for everyone

Property development is largely misunderstood.
Many people think it is a wealth creation strategy for a limited few.


We say that if you can manage a process and manage people then you can succeed. Gender is irrelevant.


When you find a great deal, you also find that there are also a number of creative ways to finance your project.


If you can create strong relationships with new people, you can build your own successful project team.


Understanding and implementing a proven system is more important than prior experience.


Your age is just a number. Your attitude and approach are more important than your age.

If you want to become a successful property developer, you can.

Download the Beginner's Blueprint

The Beginner’s Blueprint is a short guide all about Getting Started in Property Development.

It explains what you must do to begin your property development journey.

Three simple property development rules

With careful preparation, you can mitigate many of the risks that are associated with any form of wealth creation. We teach all of our clients how to understand risk and take preemptive measures to prevent negative outcomes in property development projects.

These three rules are key.

Perform conservative and thorough financial feasibilities.

Don’t assume any growth in sales values over the project and make sure you perform some “what-if” calculations (technically called sensitivity analysis) to make sure the project can absorb certain curve balls such as construction cost escalation, higher interest rates, and slower sales rates etc.

Financial Feasibility

Develop a product that is in demand and has a point-of-difference.

Be aware of pipeline projects (projects submitted for council approval) and current sales rates in your chosen area and develop what is most in demand and least in supply (whether that be apartments, land or townhouses). Also include some economical design features or inclusions that set your project apart from the pack.

Stunning view

Ensure you have financial contingencies.

Like any investment strategy, it’s advisable to not overextend yourself and to ensure you leave yourself a financial buffer. This is particularly the case for property development. Confirm your borrowing capacity with a financier or finance broker and make sure you work well within your borrowing capacity when selecting what size project to perform.

Financial contingencies

Understanding the rules of property development, and applying a proven system of steps means that you are never unsure of what to do and when to do it. So you can pursue your property development goals with confidence and clarity.

Join us at a Property Mastermind event

We offer regular live events – both online and in-person – covering all aspects of property development.


Not matter how far into your journey you are, there’s an event for you.