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EP 120: Investing Insights – The Art of Backing Other Peoples Property Developments

Investing in property development can be a lucrative endeavor for those who have the desire and drive to get ahead in life. While it may not be suitable for everyone, individuals who are willing to take risks, learn, and take action can benefit greatly from investing in property development projects.

One of the main reasons people choose to invest in other people’s projects is because they may not have the time or knowledge to undertake a property development themselves. In some cases, individuals may have the necessary funds and expertise but are too busy with their existing businesses or commitments. In such situations, joint ventures with other individuals who have the time and knowledge can be a beneficial arrangement. This allows both parties to contribute their strengths and resources to the project, increasing the chances of success.

In this week’s episode, Bob and Hilary discuss Investing Insights: The Art Of Backing Other People’s Property Developments. They explore the reasons why someone would want to invest in someone else’s project, such as getting a good return on their money and not having the time or knowledge to do the development themselves. So if you’re curious about how to invest in property development without all the risk, you won’t want to miss this week’s episode!


Episode Highlights:

  • Investing Insights: The Art of Backing Other People’s Property Developments [00:52]
  • Bob’s tip of the week  [01:22]
  • Upcoming workshop [0:49]
  • Why would someone want to invest in someone else’s development?  [02:54]  
  • May not have enough money to invest [06:31] 
  • Clarity is key [09:10]
  • What are critical questions an investor should ask?  [09:42]
  • What about gut feelings? [14:40]
  • Who would you take advice to to help make a decision?  [17:27]
  • What other points should people look into? [28:33]
  • Different states have different rules [32:30]
  • How much money do you need to be an investor? [34:14]
  • What would happen if there was an unhappy investor? [37:24]
  • What if you have a chunk of money but don’t know where to find opportunities? [38:36]
  • Ebook available [40:24]



Workshop Information: https://www.propertymastermind.com.au/3-day-live-workshop/

Armchair Developer Secrets eBook: https://www.propertymastermind.com.au/property-mastermind-resources/

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Kind Words From Our Students
M. Rigoni
M. Rigoni

"You can trust these guys"

You can trust these guys, they are professional, reliable, honest, knowledgeable, problem-solvers; who build a diversified range of quality products that deliver great returns.


Robyn Wawn
Robyn Wawn

"From Bob’s training, I learned there is more than one way to skin the property development cat."

From Bob’s training, I learned there is more than one way to skin the property development cat. I purchased my property with no money and leveraged off creative ways to finance its development and to take it in stages to reach its full potential. I am also team-building with the right professionals to delegate to who provide value for money to get the project underway and stay on track.

C. Nancarrow
C. Nancarrow

"I’d highly recommend PPS to any investor"

“I’ve found PPS to be a trustworthy and reliable business to deal with. Their communication flow is excellent and they’ve always made time to respond to any questions I have. I’d highly recommend PPS to any investor with aspirations to create wealth through property development.”


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