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EP 122: A Property Developers Journey – An Interview with Mentoring Students Atelaite and Sione Kepu

Transitioning into property development can be a life-changing decision for individuals. The potential for a good income and the ability to have more control over one’s time makes property development an attractive option for many. However, it is essential to recognise that property development is not a simple endeavor. It requires careful coordination, management, and expertise to ensure success.

In this week’s episode, Bob interviews mentoring students Atelaite and Sione Kepu. They share their background and discuss their love for property development, how they got started and their motivation for joining the Property Mastermind Mentoring Program with Hilary and Bob. So if you’re curious about property development and want to know how it can change your life, you won’t want to miss this week’s episode!


Episode Highlights:

  • Where does your ancestry go back to?  [01:07]
  • How did you get into property development?  [02:28]
  • What is your goal with property development?  [05:29]
  • How did you go from learning something new to becoming an expert? [08:31] 
  • How did you build your relationship with realtors?  [11:38]
  • How do you split up task and how does that dynamic work? [16:20]
  • How do you go about dealing with consultants?  [19:06]
  • Have you enjoyed the design elements of property development?  [21:46]
  • How has it been working with the architect, builder and real estate agent?   [24:28]
  • How is the investor side of your current project going?  [31:04]
  • What is your website information? [37:58]
  • Any last words [39:14]


To learn more about Atelaite & Sione Kepu, click here: https://www.nvisionproperty.com.au

If you would like to learn more about the Property Mastermind Mentoring Program, click here: https://www.propertymastermind.com.au/property-mastermind-ultimate-mentoring/


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It has been a pleasure and we look forward to seeing you in the future episodes!

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Kind Words From Our Students
Suresh Gudugntla
Suresh Gudugntla

"Course material is very structured and easy to understand."

Course material is very structured and easy to understand. Each topic is covered in depth backed up with case studies.

Peter O’Meara
Peter O’Meara

"It was very up to date and concise."

I found the course to be of great benefit to me…. taught me many aspects of developing that I had not considered. It was very up to date and concise.

Greg Bohlsen
Greg Bohlsen

"We were so impressed with the quality of the education that we also signed up for to become one of Bob’s Mentoring Students"

18 months ago we attended Bob’s Development Course knowing absolutely nothing about property development. We were so impressed with the quality of the education that we also signed up for to become one of Bob’s Mentoring Students. Within 6 months we were DA approved; within 18 months we are building 5 x two-storey townhouse on a block of land less than 5kms from the Brisbane CBD, and within 24 months we are looking at a profit of $600K!


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