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EP 133: How Replacement Value is Positively Affecting Property Development

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Welcoming the New Year is such a thrilling moment! It opens the door to a plethora of new opportunities and adventures. However, as time progresses, change becomes inevitable. This is particularly true in the realm of property development, making it crucial to conduct thorough research and gather all the necessary facts!

Among the key changes to keep a close eye on is the state of the market. Market conditions exert significant influence over various aspects of property development, including project feasibility, financing options, and sales. Being well-informed about these conditions can be a game-changer, allowing you to make decisions that save both time and money!

In this week’s episode, Bob and Hilary discuss how replacement value is positively affecting property development. They delve into why it’s so crucial to understand the value of developing properties based on replacement value and how this strategy allows you to maximise your returns and make informed decisions when it comes to property development. So if you are looking to start the year off right and ready to take control of your future, you won’t want to miss this week’s episode!

Episode Highlights:

Bob’s tip of the week [01:46]

Free goal-setting session [02:56]

Developing for replacement value, what does that mean? [04:41]

The impact of market conditions on feasibilities and financing [12:13]

The role of financiers in adjusting margins [18:06]

The increase in housing demand and its effect on prices [22:31]

The importance of replacement value in property sales [25:43]

Generalizing the market conditions and looking ahead to 2024 [28:23]

Recap [29:16]

To learn more about our upcoming Joint Ventures Workshop, please click here: https://propertymastermind.activehosted.com/f/134

To join us on Wednesday 24th January for our 1 hour FREE Goal Setting Session, click here: https://propertymastermind.activehosted.com/f/138

Throughout the episode, we also touched on Hilary’s new book, 3 Wines In. To learn more click here: www.hilarysaxton.com

About Hilary Saxton: Hilary Saxton is a performance and mindset strategist who motivates, trains, and coaches people who crave knowledge and success in their property and business life. Hilary has had a varied career in property and business spanning at around more than 25 years now. She takes an honest, upfront approach towards both people and process issues. Hilary provides solutions through incremental and transformational change that delivers the success her clients both want and need.

About Bob Andersen: Bob Andersen (known in the property industry as “The Deal Maker”) is a Property enigma. When it comes to creating financial freedom for his followers, his “thinking” is refreshingly simple. He has the ability to make the seemingly complicated, uncomplicated. Bob has changed the lives of so many people by training them to use property development as a vehicle to build substantial cashflow and long term wealth. This in turn, has given them control over their lives and a lifestyle they could previously only dream about. It has been said that Bob has created more property millionaires in Australia than any other educator / mentee out there through his highly acclaimed property development courses. Thank goodness for Bob! Because there are way too many so-called Property education experts out there. Several, even past students, have ‘borrowed’ Bob’s material in an attempt to ‘be Bob’. As Bob says, “I must have done something right, but you can’t ‘borrow’ over 35 years of experience and over $1 billion worth of projects spread across all states of Australia and in all stages of the property cycle”.

Connect with Property Mastermind

Property Mastermind Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PropertyMastermind

Property Developer Secrets and Hacks Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2581187315284341

Hilary Saxton Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HilarySaxtonCoach

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/propertymastermind/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/property-mastermind/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCt31KlQu9azoojEHPLvXgmA

Property Mastermind Website: https://www.propertymastermind.com.au/ It has been a pleasure and we look forward to seeing you in the future episodes!

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Kind Words From Our Students
Matthew Leeworthy
Matthew Leeworthy

"Through Bob’s teaching I have gained so much knowledge and I feel so much more confident in myself."

Bob’s course gave me the confidence in myself to ask investors for money. In the past I have only done projects myself with my own money and banks but now I have built my own investment base. Through Bob’s teaching I have gained so much knowledge and I feel so much more confident in myself.

Robyn Wawn
Robyn Wawn

"From Bob’s training, I learned there is more than one way to skin the property development cat."

From Bob’s training, I learned there is more than one way to skin the property development cat. I purchased my property with no money and leveraged off creative ways to finance its development and to take it in stages to reach its full potential. I am also team-building with the right professionals to delegate to who provide value for money to get the project underway and stay on track.

Nuwan Fernando
Nuwan Fernando

"Now that's what you call accelerated learning!"

When we first met Bob, we had no capital to do our own projects nor much previous knowledge about property. With Bob’s teaching and guidance, we are now well into our first project in a no money down deal which was crafted from Bob’s amazing creative strategies playbook. We are now developing property for profit without ever having owned property prior to this. Now that’s what you call accelerated learning!


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