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EP 137: What Stops You From Property Developing

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On this week’s episode, Hilary talks about what stops you from property developing. With years of experience, she provides valuable insights and thought-provoking questions to help listeners uncover the reasons behind their hesitations. Whether it’s fear, self-sabotage, lack of knowledge or other factors, Hilary offers practical solutions and encourages listeners to take small steps towards their property development goals.


In today’s fast-paced and often impersonal world, it can be easy to put up walls and protect ourselves from vulnerability. We may fear being judged, rejected, or hurt if we show our true selves to others. However, it’s important to let down our guard and allow ourselves to be vulnerable. This is also true when it comes to pursuing property development. The fear of the unknown can stop you in your tracks when you are looking to pursue more in life, but why let that stop you? If we take small steps towards our goals and the things we want we can break away from the vulnerabilities and pursue the things we love in life.


So tune into this week’s episode where you will gain clarity, challenge limiting beliefs and discover why you should believe in yourself and your ability to become a successful property developer.


Episode Highlights:

What stops you from property developing  [02:02]

People believe they need a certain amount of money  [05:41]

The fear of making a mistake or taking action [10:56]  

Make sure you start with a plan  [13:32] 

Someone who doesn’t like change  [19:21]

Takeaways  [23:55]



In this episode, Hilary mentions Atelaite & Sione Kepu. You can learn more about these 2 here: https://www.propertymastermind.com.au/podcast/ep-122-a-property-developers-journey-an-interview-with-mentoring-students-atelaite-and-sione-kepu/

To book in for a free clarity call with Hilary, please click here:  https://www.propertymastermind.com.au/schedule-an-appointment Thanks for listening. We look forward to seeing you in future episodes!

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Kind Words From Our Students
Elissa Frazer
Elissa Frazer

"Very Impressed!"

The 3 day online workshop was great! So thorough, so knowledgeable and Bob has so much experience to draw from. Very impressed!

Danny Mourani, NSW
Danny Mourani, NSW

"I loved the course."

I loved the course. It had all the info and more to put myself into a position to look at developing property full time.

Jason John Byron
Jason John Byron

"I know that you have changed my life"

Just wanted to say a huge thanks to the team. They guided me to where I am today launching my 6th development. I know that you have changed my life. It launches today and I am grateful to all that have helped me get there.


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