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EP 139: Are All Town Planners Created Equally

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Sorry to this weeks listeners, our audio quality isn’t up to its usual standard. If you lower the volume in your ears, it’s not too bad!

Town planners play a crucial role in navigating planning schemes for property developers. Planning schemes are put in place to provide order and structure to the development process, ensuring that developments comply with regulations and guidelines set by local councils. Town planners, both those working for councils and those in private practice, help developers understand and navigate these planning schemes to ensure their projects are successful.

Town planners also play a critical role in helping developers understand the boundaries of the planning scheme and identify potential opportunities to deviate from the plan while still meeting regulatory requirements. They can provide valuable insights and guidance on how to navigate these gray areas and work with councils to achieve the desired outcomes for a development project.

In this week’s episode Hilary and Bob discuss are all town planners created equally. They explore the differences between council town planners and private town planners as well as the roles, responsibility and interactions with both types of town planners, shedding light on the importance of understanding their functions in property development. So don’t miss this week’s episode where you can get the inside scoop on town planners and their role in property development.


Episode Highlights:

Bob’s tip of the week [01:16]

What do town planners do? [01:58]

What is the reason for vague plan scheme?  [04:48]

Do all town planners do the same things or do they have their own specialties?  [07:40]

Does experience matter when choosing a town planner?  [11:09]

Does their experience reflect in their pricing?  [15:01]

How do you know if you are getting the right town planner?  [19:28]

Have their roles changed?  [23:06]

Are town planners a certain type of person? [25:10]

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Just wanted to say a huge thanks to the team. They guided me to where I am today launching my 6th development. I know that you have changed my life. It launches today and I am grateful to all that have helped me get there.

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