Ep. 173 – From the NRL To Property Developer (with Gary Martine)

In this week’s episode, Hilary and Bob talk with a previous mentoring student Gary Martine. Gary shared insights from his diverse journey and emphasised the importance of relationships in achieving success. Also highlighting how these connections have played a crucial role in both Bob and Gary’s life.

Gary’s multifaceted career trajectory—from an NRL player to a pharmacist, then a restaurant owner, and finally a successful property developer—illustrates the power of commitment in navigating life’s challenges and opportunities.

His story is a testament to the idea that success is not a linear path but rather a winding journey that requires unwavering dedication. Each phase of Gary’s career demanded a different set of skills and a commitment to continuous learning and adaptation.

This adaptability is a hallmark of successful individuals who are willing to invest time and effort into their growth.

Episode Highlights:

  1. Introduction to Gary Martini [01:33]
  2. Gary’s Commitment and Drive [02:16]
  3. Gary’s Sporting Career [04:13]
  4. Transition from Sports to Pharmacy [07:08]
  5. Starting in the Restaurant Business [11:04]
  6. Success in the Restaurant Industry [15:56]
  7. Transition to Property Development [18:42]
  8. First Property Development Project [19:02]
  9. Second Project and Learning Curve [20:27]
  10. Navigating Council and Finance [22:46]
  11. The Role of Relationships in Success [24:22]
  12. Challenges in Property Development [31:01]
  13. Walking Away from Deals [32:33]
  14. Partnership with Tom [34:31]
  15. Gary’s Future Plans [37:36]
  16. Reflections on the Journey [41:07]
  17. Final Thoughts and Advice [42:03]
  18. Closing Remarks [43:18]

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